Chuck Harold

Chuck Harold has been working in law enforcement & private security for over 37 years. His career began as a police officer working for three California police departments.

While he was a police officer, he started a private investigation & consulting company. Working almost exclusively for law firms, he was one of the early private investigators to use computers and the “world wide web” for his case work.

After leaving law enforcement he ran security for the newly formed Fox Broadcasting Company and Fox Sports, then The Walt Disney Studios where he worked with numerous celebrities, VIP’s & Fortune 50 executives.

After the studios, Chuck worked as a COO and VP for two contract guard companies. In his last assignment, he hired and deployed over 500 guards a year for five years at the Academy Awards. To Chuck, “Guard” is a verb not a noun!

Chuck is currently the executive producer and host of and the host of the ASIS Security Management Highlights Podcast. He attends ASIS (GSX), Black Hat, ISC West, SecureWorld, Hacker Halted, SANS, OpenText, and other security conferences where he has conducted over 2,000 mostly live interviews with security experts from around the world.